Heartful Home collection by Tracy Pesche includes playful blues, yellows, pinks and greens against black and white backgrounds which pair with whimsical designs to lighten and brighten the spirit of home. Serve in style. A totally unique platter to show your trendy black and white style with added pop of color. This platter features black dots on white background with red and yellow heart. This whimsically designed square platter will add spirit and lightness to a table setting, but also looks great displayed as art. DEMDACO Black Dots Platter from Heartful Home from Tracy Pesche Collection Stoneware. Measures 10.5 inches square. diswasher and microwave safe.
Features: Square (shape)
Number of Pieces: 1
Dimensions (Overall): 11.6 inches (L), 11.7 inches (W)
Material: Ceramic